Drew lives in Ponoka, Alberta with his wife, Wendy, and his faithful companion, Knuckles. Drew’s love of aviation guided him into his second career and is now a professional pilot.
His piloting career has given him the opportunity to fly corporate airplanes in Western Canada, pilot warbirds in Hawaii, perform at Airshows, and, currently, providing hail suppression services in Alberta during the summer and rain enhancement services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the Winter.
Drew purchased his first airplane, a Fleet Canuck, with his brother, David, in 2000 and obtained his private pilot license in the Canuck in 2002. After purchasing his Harvard in 2006 Drew furthered his career in aviation by obtaining his Commercial Pilot License, in his Harvard, in 2008 and has since accumulated over 3,000 hours in 30 different airplane types. More recently, Drew has become and ACE (Aerobatic Competency Evaluator), evaluating other airshow professionals.